Sunday, April 12, 2015

Photoshop Rain Effect in 6 steps

Using Photoshop CS5

  1. Open any image & create new layer on it.
  2. Press 'D' to set default foreground & background colors
  3. For new layer select Filter -> Render -> Clouds & change its opacity to 60 (preferable 60 you can change accordingly)
  4. select Filter -> Noise -> Add Noise
    • Amount = 60
    • Distribution = Gaussian
    • Check 'Monochromatic'
  5. Select Filter -> Blur -> Motion Blur (Rain and its amount)
    • Angle = 73 deg
    • Distance = 10
  6. Change the new layer's blending mode to 'Screen'

Thursday, June 19, 2014

How to connect two tables data without having a key and when you can not do change in Database?

For my friend Ayman,
Suppose you have data as above.
make xml as below,

  </data> </listdata>

these fields you can write dynamically and can search from tags. Follow some article which shows how to read, write data from xml.
Id relation works as middle man table. which having keys of two table as reference.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Number System and its use in Computations

Before 1600 BC number system is invented. There were several proofs to prove this. On that time number system is represent as symbol.After that roman number system evolved. On the basis of roman number system we got 1 to 9 numbers.

But what after it? Credit goes to Indian mathematician Aryabhatta to invent 0. We get so many numbers to speak up now. We derive whole number system in other two type :
(1) Cardinal: 1, 2, 3, 4 etc.
(2) Ordinal: 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc. (Word “Ordinal” is from word “order”)

In Computations, binary is use as language for machines too. Any electronic/electrical device having coded chip in it called Microcontrollers nowadays.

In binary 0 and 1 are used. 0 means success and 1 means failure in arithmetic meaning. Computations is differ than calculation.
Calculation is process where 1 and 1 is 2 (cause 1+1). But in Computation logic involves and having multiple answers as 11, 1, 0, 2 (cause no operation is define).

May most of you familiar with this. but there were some of my friend who don’t know this.